It’s April, 2011, and the thought of Lindsay Lohan “bouncing back” into the great career she once had is hard to imagine. In fact, with all the constant media coverage -- her stints in rehab, arrests, dysfunctional family -- most Lohan defenders have abandoned hope.
But maybe Howard Stern hasn't.
On his April 4th Sirius/XM radio show, Stern conveyed an extremely touching and insightful commentary of Lohan. Talking to co-host Robin Quivers and guest George Takei, Stern recounted sitting behind Lohan at a screening of Jake Gyllenhaal’s “Source Code” this past weekend. Stern had an interesting vantage point of Lohan -- both literally and figuretively -- and as he described his observations, he seemed genuinely emotional.
Remember that as the father of three daughters, Stern's seen all of Lohan's films and has always praised her talent. It's also because of her talent that Stern's used his airwaves to express his frustration over Lohan's "throwing it all away."
But after sitting behind her and watching Lohan watch a film -- a film she could have been in, he added -- Stern expressed a unique sympathy for the actress. Here's what was said:
Howard: I was at one of the screenings for the Cinema Society of “Source Code,” and who’s sitting right in front of me but Lindsay Lohan.
Robin: I heard she was in town.
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